This page contains audio segments under the theme of 'multiplicity.' This theme references segments about material multiplicity and/or multiple manifestations of brain/systems.
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Audio Segments with Description
Daniel Margulies
1. Dr. Daniel Margulies responds to a question about the inherent material multiplicity of the brain. He says that he focuses on connectomes [plural], recognizing that there are many experimental levels by which to 'see' the brain as well as many hidden aspects of brains.
Jack Gallant
1. Dr. Jack Gallant responds to a question about whether a thing would express differently if measured differently. He responds by categorizing the sciences as dealing with linear or nonlinear systems and discusses the problems of linear scientific experiments that do not measure all of the possibilities in a system.
Marco Iacoboni
1. Dr. Marco Iacobani agrees that objects have many features that can be seen with different tools.
Gregory Hickok
1. Dr. Gregory Hickok relates multiplicity to the idea of action-oriented perception. He considers the limitations of human perception and recognizes that people may not be able to perceive all the aspects of an object in the environment.
Larry Cahill
1. Dr. Larry Cahill considers the brain to be complex and dynamic and suggests that scientists use multiple methodologies to approach the brain in order to come closer to an understanding of how it works.